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Man has always tried to preserve his memories through a wide array of technologies. As our faculty of perceiving is taken more and more for granted, this exhibition explores the absence of the photograph as a channel of the sensory realm. What is your earliest memory? Try to recover the texture, the colour, the taste or the smell of things from the past. Are you remembering them or are you inventing them?

Photography has become synonymous with memory, but if we can’t trust our senses to tell us the truth then how can we trust our images when they are such poor substitutes for all faculties we call on to remember? This risk-taking exhibition unfolds through a variety of uncontrollable mediums and approaches. It critiques the authenticity and materiality of the photograph itself.


Nerve and its 10 image makers, topples 

photography from its pedestal as the main channel of the sensory realm, replacing it with a provocative assemblage of 

alternative sensorial media. This includes image manipulation, sound, projection and thought provoking concepts. It is a
collection of truths, lies, and amendments of ephemeral moments.


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